{91:3} And [by] the day when it displays it
This translation assumes that
و is the conjunction article (واو العطف) but it can also be the oath article (واو القسم), so I suggest using "by" directly rather than as an interjection. Also, the Arabic uses a more intense verb,
جلاها which means "made it show clearly." I suggest,
{91:3} And by the day when it unveils it.Quote:
{91:5} And [by] the sky and He who constructed it
The Arabic uses the relative pronoun
ما, which refers to things, not
من, which refers to people or to God. Therefore, the proper translation IMHO should be,
{91:5} And by the sky and what constructed it.Quote:
{91:6} And [by] the earth and He who spread it
"Spread" is a good translation but a better one is "
stretched." The verb
دحى describes what one does to dough before baking it into a pie. So, I suggest,
{91:6} And by the earth and what rolled it.