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 Post subject: Did 9:60 abrogate 2:3
PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010, 02:45 
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Ibn Al-Jawzi reports this case in his book, "Nawaasikh Al-Qur'aan",

has been claimed by a minority of scholars to have been abrogated by

Here is what Ibn Al-Jawzi said about it:

باب ذكر الآيات اللواتي أدعي عليهن النسخ في سورة البقرة. ذكر الآية الأولى: قوله تعالى "ومما رزقناهم ينفقون" اختلف المفسرون في المراد بهذه النفقة على أربعة أقوال: الأول أنها النفقة على الأهل والعيال قاله ابن مسعود وحذيفة. والثاني الزكاة المفروضة قاله ابن عباس وقتادة. والثالث الصدقات النوافل قاله مجاهد والضحاك. والرابع أن الإشارة بها إلى نفقة كانت واجبة قبل الزكاة، ذكره بعض ناقلي التفسير وزعموا أنه كان فرض على الإنسان أن يمسك مما في يده قدر كفايته يومه وليلته ويفرق باقيه على الفقراء ثم نسخ ذلك بآية الزكاة وهذا قول ليس بصحيح لأن لفظ الآية لا يتضمن ما ذكروا وإنما يتضمن مدح المنفق والظاهر أنها تشير إلى الزكاة لأنها قرنت مع الإيمان بالصلاة. وعلى هذا لا وجه للنسخ وإن كانت تشير إلى الصدقات النوافل والحث عليها باق والذي أرى ما بها مدح لهم على جميع نفقاتهم في الواجب والنفل وقد قال أبو جعفر يزيد بن القعقاع نسخت آية الزكاة كل صدقة كانت قبلها ونسخ صوم رمضان كل صوم كان قبله والمراد بهذا كل صدقة وجبت بوجود المال مرسلا كهذه الآية

And a claim was made by Abu-Ja`far Yazeed ibn Al-Qa`qaa` that the Zakah verse, 9:60, abrogated all verses of charity such as this one. Ibn Al-Jawzi disagrees and says that the text of 2:3 does not imply a mandate to be abrogated, but simply praise for those who spend out of God's provision on their duties and in charity. It is 9:60, the Zakah verse, that has been adopted by the prophet, peace be upon him, as the Zakah mandate.

Indeed, 2:3 is declarative; it cannot be abrogated. Furthermore, the Zakah verse does not abrogate anything; it only specifies whom the charity goes to.

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 Post subject: Re: Did 9:60 abrogate 2:3
PostPosted: 13 Jan 2010, 05:45 
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I wish there was a specific list of the scholars who supported this abrogation case. It would be useful in gauging their credibility when we look at other verses where they also expressed an opinion. I will post this remark in more detail in the "Scholars Opinions" thread.

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 Post subject: Who said what
PostPosted: 21 Jan 2010, 19:21 
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Abu-Ja`far Yazeed ibn Al-Qa`qaa`, according to Ibn Al-Jawzi,
Ad-Dhahhaak, Muqaatil and Abul-Qaasim (according to Aş-Şa`di),
Hayyaan (according to Ibn Salaama),
Ibn Salaama.

Abdullah ibn Hamza Aş-Şa`di (Al-Yamaani),
Ibn Al-Jawzi,
Abu-Abdillah Shu`la,
Dr. Mustafa Zayd,
Dr. Az-Zalmi,
Dr. M. Ibrahim Faaris.

Ibn Mas`ood, Huzhayfa, Ibn `Abbaas, Qataada and Mujaahid were mentioned as having different interpretations, but not that they said 2:3 was abrogated.

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 Post subject: Re: Did 9:60 abrogate 2:3
PostPosted: 22 Feb 2010, 05:34 
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Dr. Mostafa Zaid refutes this claim under the "statement of fact" section on pages 400-402 in volume 1 of his book.

He speculates that the origin of this claim is a blanket statement attributed to Abu-Jaafar Yazeed Ibn Al-Qa'qa' which says "the zakah verse abrogated every verse about charity that came before, and the fasting of Ramadan abrogated every fasting before it."

He quotes Ibn Al-Jawzi's opinion and elaborates that the verse is a statement of fact, and consequently that it is not subject to abrogation.

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