Index of Verses in Chapter 39
Please click on the display of a verse to go to the topic that discusses the translation of that verse. The topic may include a group of verses just before or just after the verse you chose. These groupings are also indicated in the clickable ranges (e.g., verses 1-3) below.
Verses 1-3 Verses 4-6 Verses 7-8 Verses 9-10 Verses 11-16 Verses 17-19 Verses 20-21 Verses 22-24 Verses 25-29 Verses 30-31 Verses 32-35 Verses 36-37 Verses 38-41 Verse 42 Verses 43-44 Verses 45-48 Verses 49-52 Verses 53-59 Verses 60-61 Verses 62-66 Verses 67-70 Verses 71-72 Verses 73-75