{53:1} By the star when it descends,
I like Arberry's translation of
هوى best; he translated it "plunged."
{53:1} By the star when it plunges,Quote:
{53:4} It is not but a revelation revealed,
I suggest,
{53:4} It is not but a revelation inspired,Quote:
{53:5} Taught to him by one intense in strength -
I think that an explanatory note is in order here for the unfamiliar reader, e.g.,
{53:5} Taught to him by one intense in strength (Gabriel) -Quote:
{53:6} One of soundness. And he rose to [his] true form
Again, I like Arberry's translation of
فاستوى best; he translated it "stood poised." I suggest,
{53:6} Flawless, he stood poised.Quote:
{53:7} While he was in the higher [part of the] horizon.
The Arabic makes it a superlative, not a comparative, so I suggest,
{53:7} While he was in the highest horizon.Quote:
{53:8} Then he approached and descended
I suggest,
{53:8} Then he came close and descended.Quote:
{53:10} And he revealed to His Servant what he revealed.
I suggest,
{53:10} And he (Gabriel) revealed to His (God's) worshiper (Muhammad) what He (God) revealed [to Gabriel].It is a difficult verse to translate. Another way to translate it would be, "Thus God revealed to His worshiper what He wanted to reveal."