{13:37} And thus We have revealed it as an Arabic legislation. And if you should follow their inclinations after what has come to you of knowledge, you would not have against God any ally or any protector.
I'd only make some minor changes,
{13:37} And thus We have sent it down as a judgment, in Arabic. And surely if you were to follow their fancies after what has come to you of knowledge, you would not have against God any ally nor shielder.Quote:
{13:38} And We have already sent messengers before you and assigned to them wives and descendants. And it was not for a messenger to come with a sign except by permission of God. For every term is a decree.
I suggest,
{13:38} And We have certainly already sent messengers before you and assigned to them spouses and offspring. And it was not for a messenger to come with a sign except by permission of God. For every term is a writ.Quote:
{13:39} God eliminates what He wills or confirms, and with Him is the Mother of the Book.
I'm not sure about "confirms", but otherwise I like that translation.